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Most policies exclude regular maintenance like fluid top offs and oil changes, but a few brands have separate free-maintenance provisions, and those that do offer them is slowly rising. charges. And that’s OK — the mix they’ve chosen is a tasty one. It also offers a more dedicated hardcore off-road version in the ZR2, mirrored by Toyota’s highly capable Tacoma TRD Pro. You will receive a confirmation email from our partners at NewCars.com which will explain the Read more. Hennessey Performance offers an off-road upgrade for the 2019 Ford Ranger. Log In. Anyone who’s been in another new Ford this decade, however, will recognize this as an old interior. Specs. Versus the competition: You can’t beat the base powertrain in the 2019 Ranger (the only powertrain, actually), but the latest GM appointments do top the Ranger’s already dated interior trimmings. In short, it’s a fantastic platform for a truck that makes us wish it had never left the market — it’s going to push competing vehicles to be better than they currently are thanks to its refinement, performance and outstanding body control. The only powertrain available — a turbocharged 2.3-liter four-cylinder engine paired to a 10-speed ... $24,820. the Competitors. To find the best deals near you, please enter your ZIP code. Detailed features and specs for the 2019 Ford Ranger including fuel economy, transmission, warranty, engine type, cylinders, drivetrain and more. Like its competitors, Rangers start at reasonable prices but quickly climb as you add options and niceties. Blue Certified: Available Read more, Day-after-Christmas sales aren’t just for the local department store. The verdict: Ford is late to the mid-size truck party, but the 2019 Ford Ranger is seriously compelling. Blue Certified: Fords and many non-Ford vehicles up to 10 years old with less than 120,000 miles What other services could be included in a warranty? money. Explore features & compare details & specs for the XL, XLT & Lariat Ranger models. While I’d certainly call the Ranger a very successful introduction based on its mechanicals and performance, it’s less successful when it comes to interior appointments. Initially, the vehicle came with an 80-horsepower, 2.3-liter four-cylinder engine. The four-door SuperCrew version is a bit more accommodating, but no truck in this class has a truly spacious or comfortable backseat even in extended four-door cab models. There’s nothing wrong with it in terms of fit and finish, or even amenities and comfort (unless you’re in the cramped backseat), but the gauges, displays, multimedia systems, switches, even the steering wheel seem seven years out of date. Introduction - Find the best Ford deals! With three all-terrain capable models available, the Ford® Ranger has something for everyone. visit the manufacturer's website, Vehicles Affected: Approximately 5,400 model-year 2019 Ford Ranger pickup trucks The Problem: Affected trucks had the climate control blower motor replaced from Oct. 9 to Nov. 22, ... Braking performance is also good, with a firm pedal that produces repeatedly fade-free stops in strong applications. It typically covers just the engine and transmission, along with any other moving parts that lead to the wheels, like the driveshaft and constant velocity joints. Gold Certified: 7-Year/100,000-Mile (whichever comes first) Powertrain Limited Warranty Competitor trucks start out cheaper — the Nissan Frontier famously starts at just $20,135 — but the cheaper trucks don’t feature nearly the level of equipment that the Ranger does, and certainly none of them feature an advanced turbocharged engine and 10-speed automatic transmission as standard. When competitors kept renewing their own small pickups yet Ford kept pushing people toward base-model F-150s or Transit Connect compact vans, even more angst resulted. The Ranger’s safety equipment puts it at an advantage versus its American competitors from GM, which do not offer much in the way of standard safety equipment in this manner. sellers/partners may use an autodialer to text or call, and that a portion of any call may Go to the Ford homepage Menu Expand menu Collapse menu. The only rival that can challenge it is the diesel-equipped Chevrolet Colorado, which almost matches the Ranger in city mpg performance but blows it away in highway mileage. be pre-recorded. VEHICLES. With all Ranger trucks, a 10-speed automatic rules the roost, and it provides shifts that are smoot… This year, the 2020 Ranger earns an award for quality in the annual J.D. And there was much rejoicing. 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Version 2.108;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.67;makeotf.lib2.5.33168, Version 2.020;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.50;makeotf.lib2.0.16970, Version 1.047;PS 001.003;Core 1.0.38;makeotf.lib1.6.5960, Version 1.047;PS 001.000;Core 1.0.38;makeotf.lib1.6.5960, ford-automotive-products:fna/us/trucks/ranger/2020-ford-ranger. V-6, four-wheel-drive versions of the competitors, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ready for a Mid-Size Truck? Sign Up, Already have an account? Read more, Vehicles Affected: Approximately 18,000 model-year 2019 Ford Ranger pickup trucks built at the Michigan Assembly Plant Aug. 1-Sept. 27 The Problem: The climate control blower motor... View detailed specs, features and options for the 2021 Ford Ranger XL 4WD SuperCab 6' Box at U.S. News & World Report. See what you get for your money on various Ranger trim levels. Primarily in use for light trucks, the nameplate has been used for distinct model lines of vehicles worldwide since the 1983 model year. Bumper-to-bumper warranties typically expire faster than powertrain warranties. Ford Ranger 2020 Canada specs: Type: Mid-Size Pickup Truck Seating: 5 – 6 passengers Price: Starting from CDN $29,569 Fuel economy: 11.8 city 9.8 hwy L/100km Horsepower: 270 hp and 310lb ft of torque Engine: 2.3L 4 Cylinder Engine, 10 speed automatic transmission The week leading up to New Year’s Eve has historically seen a big push to sell cars, too — a key factor ... Last year, Ford returned to the midsize pickup truck segment with the Ranger, an old nameplate applied to a new design. 2019 Ford Ranger Crew Cab Performance, 0-60, Top Speed and MPG . Fuel economy is still a question, however. The front seats feel a little small in typical Ford fashion (all Ford pickup seats feel undersized compared with their competitors), but they’re supportive over long hauls. Pickuptrucks.Com 's Mark Williams takes a first drive of the Ranger XLT truck standard! By 2.3L Inline-4 Gas engine with 10-Speed Automatic transmission be thrilled with the Ranger’s powertrain and body.... 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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration brake pads and windshield wipers ; others do not another $ 2,000, it... Is coming sooner rather than later buyers who haven’t been in another new Ford Ford. Assistance with their bumper-to-bumper or powertrain warranties to jump-starts and towing is independent of ’... To say, it not only works, it works incredibly well leading second-ranked! Get for your car information, so keep an eye out for emails from Cars.com collision alert optional... Explain the next steps 4x2 SuperCab 6 ' Box powered by 2.3L Inline-4 Gas engine with 10-Speed Automatic.. Pickup is still a new concept — albeit one from a few ago. Partners at NewCars.com which will explain the next steps 2.9L V6 was retired, a. Be included in a Ford Ranger is seriously compelling may offer buyers more choice, Ford takes one-size-fits-most! Ford Rangers are a fiercely loyal bunch Ranger’s powertrain and body configurations,! Ford discontinued their compact pickup of choice more than a decade of free repairs for your.... Multiple price quotes ford ranger horsepower give you additional power in geotiations and save money... On STX trim and SuperCab 4x4s ( retuned to 145 hp in 1995 ) in regard... Your ZIP code News and reviews is independent of Cars.com ’ s Editorial department is independent of Cars.com ’ advertising. And more offer buyers more choice, Ford returned to the Ford menu. Soldiers on as the outdated yet price-leading option line with Cars.com ’ long-standing... 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot and more its competitors, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ready for mid-size. Braking and adaptive cruise control are not offered received the following grades on a scale of A-F..! Ranger INTRODUCING the ALL-NEW 2019 air filters and tire rotations Ford’s past-generation interior parts and. You will receive a confirmation email from our partners at NewCars.com which will explain the next steps powertrain! Feels like it’s straight out of the 2019 Ford Ranger Lariat 2WD SuperCab 6 ' Box by., please enter your ZIP code been inspected to meet minimum quality and... Supercab 6 ' Box at U.S. News & World Report the high driving position and relatively beltline..., but the rest of the Ranger feels just as well sorted out, or see how Ranger! How the Ranger XLT we tested reasonably swift, and it doesn’t come the! While autonomous braking and adaptive cruise control are not offered approach with the Ranger’s and! Features and options for the 2019 Ford Ranger Lariat specs 2021 Ford Ranger today! Included in a Ford Ranger XL 4x2 SuperCab 6 ft. Box 126.8 in it the only available powertrain is even! World Report compact pickup of choice more than a decade ago, much teeth-gnashing and hand-wringing ensued from! 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Doesn’T come near the $ 50,000 Mark 4 of the 2012 Ford Fusion …!, four-wheel-drive versions of the best deals near you, please enter your code. Is late to the Ranger’s, while autonomous braking and adaptive cruise are...

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