zoos educational value

Aquariums will have educational programs specifically designed for various age groups but their availability depends on resources and funds. If the animals weren't immediately visible, people would move on very quickly. Great hub and great comment stream! Should Zoos Exist? 50% of zoo visitors are children. This means saving a species that is endangered, (One reason might be from the terrible ways animals were "harvested" at the turn of the 19th century, mainly, most not even surviving the boat ride back to the US and Europe and lack of knowledge about their reproduction and survival) A whole chimp colony might die trying to defend the couple of babies that people like Frank Buck and others stole from the mothers they killed. With exhibits about dinosaurs, I generally scanned the bare bones until famous recognizable species appeared (T-rex, triceratops), and even upon seeing these, I didn't read the written information. There's probably a 'me' sprinkled in every large crowd, but we'd likely find our pet keeping passion through some other means eventually. However, when studying this in detail it is easy to see this is a myth. 12, 2018 — Most of us think of zoos and aquariums as family destinations: educational but fun diversions for our animal-loving kids. Animals have a universal draw. Marius the Giraffe and Killing Zoo Animals—The Big Picture, How to Make Zoo Trips Educational for Children. But Marino makes sound points. First a chinchilla, then a prairie dog. As an obvious threat to opponents of zoos, Lori Marino (who was featured in the documentary Blackfish and other anti-captivity media) responded with another peer-reviewed study that was created to discredit the zoo-affirming study ("we address whether this conclusion is warranted by analyzing the study’s methodological soundness"): Do zoos and aquariums promote attitude change in visitors? But modern zoos … After every live animal presentation at day camp I found myself wanting one of the 'ambassadors'. Zoos have an unfortunate record in conservation and research. Moss, Andrew (2017) The Educational Value of Zoos and Aquariums. The learning is active, outside the confines of four walls. People often forget that some zoos are not just holding facilities for animals that people walk through. Even something as exciting as live exotic animals can get monotonous to some people after many visits.The modern zoo can sometimes be a place of amusement recreation. If not, would you please provide me with where you found this story? That's exactly one of the suggestions I made on my hub "how to make zoo visits educational for children". However, most of the species kept in zoos are not endangered—so why are they there? We can learn that tigers absolutely love to swim in contrast to lions. Fundraising. Does the presence of living animals present learning opportunities? So in effect, we are learning about animals based on how they act when they lack. (Source: Sci­enceDaily, 27.05.2011). If you look just to the left of that rock, you'll see him lying down in that little sun-dappled area. How do children learn? Boy, you put a ton of work into this one, Melissa! I have written before about the importance of zoos and the role they have to play in the world for conservation and education. Live animals naturally invite attention, which would make lectures about that animal far more fruitful. A small animal like a finch for example, will be 60% more interesting if it is alive for children to see. Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on March 30, 2014: Very well researched article, showing both sides of the issue. Perhaps the biggest source of debate amongst the public has stemmed from the documentary Blackfish about the apparent lack of education contained within the dazzling animal shows and falsified information for the sake of avoiding dissenting opinions (i.e. The kids were great audiences because they had few preconceived notions, while adults did. Educational Programs. Many zoos have breeding programs in place to help eliminate genetic bottlenecks, especially when dealing with an endangered species. Kashiefa Ajam and Karishma Dipa asked experts on opposing sides about the value of zoos - and keeping elephants in captivity. In my opinion, the best forms of education that zoos can offer is: Leslie Science & Nature Center (CC BY-SA 2.0) Via Flickr. Over half of the more than 3,000 chil­dren who par­tic­i­pated in the study showed a pos­i­tive change in edu­ca­tional or conservation-​related knowl­edge areas, and per­sonal atti­tude towards endan­gered species. Most zoo enclosures are very small, and rather than promoting respect for or understanding of animals, signs often provide little more information than an animal’s species, diet, and natural range. Your knowledge of the topic was obvious and the images beautiful. Zoos claim to provide educational opportunities, but most visitors spend only a few minutes at each display, seeking entertainment rather than enlightenment. Musu Bangura from Nation's Capital on March 31, 2014: Great hub! Zoos also have programs where presenters travel offsite to give lectures about animal science and conservation with their 'animal ambassadors' in tow. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with keeping exotic pets! Apr. Zoo detractors can dispute studies that verify people learning in zoos but that is certainly not evidence that they do not. Another factor that certainly adds to brief viewing times (in my experience) are the crowds, and the general politeness of allowing the hoards of people behind you a chance to see on crowded days. You make some good points and I agree with your idea for zoos being used as tools, especially for children. educational value of zoos, and the report concludes that “it is not enough for zoos to aim to have an educational . The pros and cons of zoos are detailed below. This was the first study done to evaluate the educational impact zoos have on children (ages 7-15.) Pro 1 Zoos educate the public about animals and conservation efforts. We'd learn that people subsequently donated to various animal advocacy groups, joined a rescue or shelter group, wrote letters supporting or condemning certain situations, etc. People like them best? Smaller nature centers may not be thought of as 'zoos', but that is exactly what they are when they maintain captive animal collections, which can prove to be an integral draw of visitor interest. As part of the research the chil­dren were asked to draw their favourite ani­mals and habi­tats before and after their trip to the zoo. Despite the unnatural appearance of common enrichment devices, thoughtful minds can deduce that these objects are mere substitutions for natural features. Though it cannot be applied to all the visitors in all countries, it still indicates that zoos don't necessarily have educational value … Most kids (and adults) bypass exhibits featuring ‘boring’ animals that are small or resemble the ones that live in our own backyard, sleeping animals, and enclosures with animals not in clear view. The study suggested that visitors had a change in attitude toward conservation, biodiversity, and ecological education. The dumbest argument against animals in circuses, zoos and aquariums such as SeaWorld - and it's one I see parroted with irritating regularity in articles and comments threads - is that they provide "no educational value." Zoos support a number of in situ conservation projects and contribute to valuable research and practical conservation efforts worldwide. However, young generation considers a visit to a zoo as an opportunity to have some fun either with parents or with schoolmates. Campers' self-reported knowledge, attitude, and behavior also increased with increased levels of animal husbandry.”, 2007- “Zoo education: from formal school programmes to exhibit design and interpretation (L. L. Andersen). 2010- “Visitor interest in zoo animals and the implications for collection planning and zoo education programmes” (Andrew Moss and Maggie Esson), “In this, zoo learning is a very personal construct, develops from the previous knowledge, and experiences and motivations of each individual.”. It is best to search their website online to see what you can download prior to visiting including the schedule of … Conservation, research and education are not their primary goals, making it impossible to term zoos as research or education organisations. Lesson Number One: Natural Habitats. While not everyone will benefit to the same extent of another, or at all, the percentage of people who do still count. British sociologists gathered data from children between 7 and 15 years old, before and after visiting London Zoo. Good hub. They are beautiful animals that people want to see, but not ones that need to be in captivity. Tracie that is cool to hear. What's your opinion.. ? Do zoos unfairly hold exotic animals captive for the sake of educational value? Chances are that zoos with their living animal collections will engage children (and adults) for longer periods, particular if the animal is presented with a speaker. Zoos like to claim that they are doing important work by helping to conserve endangered species. Zoo animals aren't provided with space they need to roam and exercise and lead healthy lives. I vividly recall volunteering at a nature center about 40 minutes outside of the New York City area. The nature of a zoological arc might be to display a certain not-too-dramatic bird or antelope and raise it's status and numbers in captivity so it can be someday reintroduced to the wild. This study was conducted by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and funded by the National Science Foundation. Zoos drag millions of promising unique brains through their trails each day and may inspire a future herptologist, zoologist, or conservationist. Museums such as The American Museum of Natural History in New York City, which never seem to have their educational value contested, essentially have similar set ups to zoos with their taxidermy collections and written descriptions of the animals and environments depicted. She came up with the following conclusions (my condensed version) There is no compelling evidence to support the claims of the study because the methods of which the study utilized involved: Marino’s criticisms, however valid, illustrate the issue with nearly every study of this nature and the sheer impossibility of designing the perfect study that can help us find ‘proof’ to the answer of whether zoos are educational or not. Animals like hyenas have the added benefit of looking 'cute' when they normally aren't considered as such, and this might make people care more about their related conservation programs in addition to the charismatic species. The word zoo describes a collection of living animals. Well researched and presented, in a very balanced style. I am sure it is very stressful for the animals to be forcefully removed from their natural habitats.. and the same educational value could be found by watching National Geographic Explorer or similar programming.. ...a conclusion that is beneficial to the study’s contributors. News Visitors believe zoos and aquariums play an important role in conservation education and that when they experience a stronger connection to nature, are prompted to reconsider their role in environmental problems and conservation action and see themselves as part of the solution as a result of their visit. What are Zoos For? Dimetrodons are synapids (like mammals) and more closely related to mammals, defined by features in their skull, but they appeared before dinosaurs. Conservation, research and education are not their primary goals, making it impossible to term zoos as research or education organisations. And just like with any form of teaching tool, it must be utilized properly for maximum benefit. The information is from NGO PETA Latino. We had a particularly progressive outreach effort and brought our zoomobile to scores of schools and community functions. So what have we learned? You may be able to access a copy if URLs are provided) (KAR id:62717) Argument: Visitors rarely spend more than seconds looking at animals. His markings allow him to blend in with his surroundings, making it more difficult for predators, and people, to find him. It really shows how zoos aren't the "evil animal prisons" that those activists make them out as. He loves animals and can name so many types of them easily. Well deserved. But a new study shows that learning is not usually the result. Many find any scenario where there is a performing animal to be disrespectful to wildlife, circus-like in nature, and sometimes even cruel. Education and interpretation will increasingly utilize modern information technology, allowing direct links to in situ conservation programmes which zoo visitors help to support". It's difficult to imagine how our society would be without exposure to animals through zoos (and pets) and wonder if this would … I think it's great exposure and helps expand the child's mind. Introduction to living animals, ecology, and conservation topics, Captive animal holding facilities for wildlife that needs rehabilitation, Zoo camps that offer educational talks, introduction to animal husbandry, A prospective way to study animals that are elusive or hard to study in the wild, Potential to inspire a future career with animals, Studies on captive animals can assist researchers doing field work. Martin Anthony Lazzaro November 29, 2015 at 2:48 am. These animals are sentient beings and I understand the educational value of being able to teach people, mostly young kids, about animals on a sort of up close and personal level but it just isn't ethical. They can be called animal parks, menageries, or zoological gardens. Gorillas were thought a legend until white man "discovered " and captured them around 1900, now they too, in a little over 100 years, are highly endangered. For me, the icing on the cake was to hear a parent tell a child, "If you look just to the left of that rock...". The study found that the zoo visit ‘refined the children’s previous knowledge’ from an educational lecture that they attended before the zoo. about zoos and their mis­sion regard­ing breed­ing endan­gered species, nature con­ser­va­tion, bio­di­ver­sity and edu­ca­tion, which of course relates to the evo­lu­tion of species. Having animals perform is not cruel in nature, but using cruel methods to get animals to perform is. The result is euthanasia of many lions, or selling many off to seedy parking lot "shows", same as the dolphins, many are sold to chinese business men who open up a fourth rate sea world with inadequate depth and condition and depth and temperature of water, same with other animals, like the murdered giraffe. This does nothing to help keep ecosyste… The introduction must be read in its entirety to fully appreciate the searing rhetoric-infused scientific approach. Children can learn about animals like dinosaurs without ever seeing them. Download : Download high-res image (487KB) Download : Download full-size image As of Apr. Or, sometimes they'd be inside. Every stitch of that question is horrendously complex and grounded in immeasurable psychological variables which human beings are endlessly subjected to. But given the ethical dilemmas surrounding their business, they should really have an interest in providing solid evidence to show they can offer added educational value above and beyond what biology teachers can do with modern media at school. He told the story of how a Philippine crocodile escaped from his cage when it rained and there were floods. Together with a bet­ter under­stand­ing of con­cepts like species’ extinc­tion and habi­tat, the study proves that the zoo visit has an edu­ca­tional value which sig­nif­i­cantly improves the chil­drens’ knowl­edge of zoo ani­mals, wildlife and con­ser­va­tion efforts. The study includes pretty damning implications such as labeling zoos “…generally accepted forms of entertainment, with little thought given to their purpose or the trade-offs associated with the capture and confinement of animals” and “….rebranding themselves as agents for species preservation and public education. [Z]oos are only just beginning to seriously evaluate . Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 14, 2019: I would like to use this site as a source for a paper that I am writing... is that ok? (Access to this publication is currently restricted. The strength of benefit obtained from zoos will also depend on the quality of the zoo’s educational programs, exhibits, and presentations. But in most cases, exhibits will be briefly viewed before the visitor moves on until something interesting catches their eye. Helen Stuart from Deep in the Heart of Texas on July 19, 2017: The best case scenario for a "zoo" is a living arc scenario, which many ethical zoological gardens focus on. This is not technically the zoo's fault, but it certainly hampers educational impact. Based on the essential species-specific enrichment that animals need such as walking space for elephants, foraging cubes for monkeys, and even hamster wheels for rodents, we can deduct how that species lives in the wild. 2019, there are 236 accredited zoos in the United States. Let’s look at some of the mains educational draws touted by zoos: learning about animals’ natural habitat, their natural behaviors, and the value of conservation and animal stewardship. A worker was checking out the zoo and when the crocodile saw him, he turned tail and ran all the way back to his cage. “The use of signage, interpretative graphics, worksheets and presentations by staff increase awareness and knowledge for children and adults alike and result in a stimulating visit to the zoo. The information cards planted on the exhibits exist for the interested, and they certainly do serve a purpose. The value of zoos Captive Breeding programmes: ... Zoos are a unique educational resource and they are the only place where most people will se, hear and smell living wild animals form all over the world. Of course zoos loose a lot of money this way too, but fortunately there are enough philanthropists and zoologists looking into the big picture. Fly Away Home). Another study by Brady Wagoner and Eric Jensen, called Science Learning at the Zoo: Evaluating Children’s Developing Understanding of Animals and Their habitats provides interesting findings for the zoo’s role in early childhood development. I often had the opportunity to bring people back to an exhibit by pointing out something such as: "Oops, you missed him. Some people continued to say that going to a zoo was educational, whereas others, including those who work for zoos, claimed there are no data that show this is the case. The most popular dinosaurs look like mythical, dangerous creatures and barely resemble the way animals look today, so the attention they get is unsurprising. 1 thought on “ Animals in Captivity: Do Zoos Actually Educate Visitors? Focusing on different animals with each visit keeps the zoo an interesting place to visit, and a place to learn. Zoos are essentially living museums, and zoo detractors often forget this. This is even more true for botanical gardens, which also have educational value but probably have information cards that are rarely read. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 30, 2014: Yes, many animals feel secure in the environments that they are used to. I served as a docent at our local AZA-accredited zoo for about 5 years and enjoyed it immensely. As educational destinations, zoos fail miserably on all three counts. Although the study may be valid in concluding that 62% children on a trip to the zoo are not more educated on animals after leaving, I do not think it gives reason to shut down zoos. Thanks for commenting. Apr. Ann1Az2 from Orange, Texas on March 30, 2014: As a kid, I enjoyed zoos. Such a zoo trip can be con­sid­ered an edu­ca­tional value in addi­tion to books or class­room teaching. Zoo in Wellington New Zealand when i was young zoos educational,?! To books or class­room teaching a critical evaluation of the educational value of breeding an species. 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