ansible: command not found

"serole": null, By default, this command builds from the current working directory. There are also commands that can be run when an argument to thefile module would be better - e.g file state=absent ratherthan rm, file state=link rather than ln. To resolve this you’ll need to run - ansible default -m shell -a ‘hash -r’. Selecting previously unselected package unzip. I had the same issue with ansible 2.7.0 on macos and RHEL7. : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0, just happened to me. SSH password: TASK [Unarchive a file that is already on the remote machine] ***************************************************************************** This is pretty easy to work around, thankfully, by transitioning this to a two step process. and here's the script file: Perhaps the source argument should be an absolute path? Ansible Command Module Examples. when i changed it to /tmp/test_output it started working. If you want… After adding force: yes option to get_url module the problem is gone. Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out small programs, called "Ansible modules" to them. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME ANSIBLE VERSION ansible SUMMARY Hey, When i try to install an open source project Verteego Data suite using the Ansible Playbook command… As a result other OSes cannot be found when building a new grub.cfg. Need access to an account? A single regex pattern or a sequence of patterns along with optional flags to match the command prompt from the received response chunk. This option accepts pattern and flags keys. You signed in with another tab or window. You can also use the name of an individual host, so host01 would work just as well for this example. You can verify that by ssh into any one of the server: $ ssh user@db1 type -a aptitude bash: line 0: type: aptitude: not found $ ssh aptitude bash: aptitude: command not found. So the original issue is due to the archive being invalid, this issue is probably due to an incomplete file being written (out of space in /tmp?). "directory_mode": null, This takes us to the end of the second Ansible tutorial. I also managedto introduce a command_warnings checkinto Ansible that will warn you at runtime. 4 days ago I am having issues installing basic packages using ansible 4 days ago; How to write ansible playbook to setup ubuntu workstation and install any updates on it Nov 19 ; How to make every machine password less SSH in Ansible? Don't forget to become a member :), Become a member to get the regular Linux newsletter (2-4 times a month) and access member-only content, Great! ), OS control modules such as service. Rakesh, The issue is that you are attempting to install Ansible using the 'rpm -ivh' command, which means that it won't use the yum depsolver to resolve depdencies that it needs. These programs are written to be resource models of the desired state of the system. ansible group1 -i myhosts -m command -a date (if the command fails the first time, try again in few seconds, as the test host may not yet have been provisioned) group1 = group to run against. Command \"/bin/unzip\" could not handle archive."}. Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. Now I will try to achieve the same task; but this time, I will use the raw module: As you can see, the raw module was the only module out of three modules to carry out the task successfully. "exclude": [], The reason for using raw over ios_command is that it allows for ad hoc commands. Ansible Command Module Introduction Ansible Command module is used to execute commands on a remote node. Change to the /home/elliot/plays directory and create an inventory file named myhosts and add all your managed nodes hostnames so it will end up looking like this: The -i option was used to specify the myhosts inventory file. python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec 4 2017, 14:50:18) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609], **The full traceback is: Check your inbox and click the link to complete signin, RHCE Ansible Series #12: Ansible Troubleshooting, RHCE Ansible Series #11: Managing Systems With Ansible, RHCE Ansible Series #10: RHEL System Roles. The Ansible Find AdHoc Command. running ansible 2.5.11 on ubuntu 18, TASK [Unzip Folders] ***************************************************************************************************************** The /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg contains a whole of various Ansible configuration settings and sections: The two most important sections that you need to define in your Ansible configuration file are: In the [defaults] section, here are the most important settings you need to be aware of: In the [privilege_escalation]section, you can configure the following settings: Keep in mind, you don’t need to commit any of these settings to memory. You can’t use piping or redirection with the command module. executable location = /usr/bin/ansible If you don’t have a working DNS server, you can add your nodes IP address/hostname entries in /etc/hosts, below is an example: You can organize your managed hosts into groups and subgroups. changed: [], PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************** privacy statement. Ran into this issue today with Ansible 2.7.1, with roles that worked previously in 2.5.x and whose configuration has not since changed. Command "/bin/tar" found no files in archive."}. "seuser": null, On RHEL/CENTOS Machines. ...ignoring, PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************************** Got this same issue and found the problem in the error response only. --strip-components 1 "unsafe_writes": null, "src": "tmp/helm-v2.8.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz", "keep_newer": false, @Kaydub00 I had However the script chdirs into the destination folder before actually running it, hence tar cannot find the archive. @ONE-Luffy unfortunately, i don't have a clear solution to give you about this issue. Run the same command again, but this time, use the shell module instead: Works like a charm! If you want to how to use a specific Ansible module, then you can run ansible-doc followed by the module name. The only other suggestion would be to use two tasks, get_url and unarchive, also to ensure your archive is downloaded completely. Special Ansible Windows modules allow running PowerShell commands on target Windows Servers. unzip Setting ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1, exploding the script, and doing a little debugging shows a few things: The command to list the files in the archive is correct if run from '/' I can run it interactively on a specific host: $ ssh $ rpcinfo -p program vers proto port service 100000 4 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 3 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 4 udp 111 portmapper 100000 3 udp 111 portmapper collection build ¶. In this case, it’s a mandatory option that you must include. Saturday 08 December 2018 05:20:28 +0100 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:05.530 ***** I'm not using any extra_opts. Run ansible and see that the command still is found which means that it is not fulled removed. After this operation, 530 kB of additional disk space will be used. The command module is one of the many modules that Ansible has to offer. "regexp": null, :). The solution would be to use a different temp dir, so I'm going to close this issue. zip $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install ansible. => { I was able to SSH into the machine and execute tar -zxvf /opt/apps/graph.tgz without any issue after the command failed. ansible-command not found. dict(action=dict(module='unarchive',args="src=/apache-tomcat-7.0.59-customized.tar.bz2 dest=/app/ owner=app group=app" ), register='shell_out'), /vagrant/l_openvino_toolkit_p_2018.4.420.tgz. "mode": null, Command "unzip" not found. I had a similar issue on OS X, based on Harold's answer I checked the PATH variable and was able to solve it:. I had the same issue today with ansible 2.4.2, trying to unarchive a tar.bz2 file from a url. Description ¶. Follow the steps in Initial Server Setup with CentOS 7to create a non-root user, and make sure you can connect to the server without a password. Take a look at the following example: The development group contains all the hosts that are in web_dev plus all the members that are in db_dev. => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to find handler for "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1544242828.4-280808706417293/source". An Ansible inventory file is a basically a file that contains a list of servers, group of servers, or ip addresses that references that hosts that you want to be managed by Ansible (managed nodes). Check your inbox and click the link, Linux Command Line, Server, DevOps and Cloud, Great! The /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg is the default configuration file. It successfully displayed the first five lines of the lscpu command output on node2. File "/tmp/ansible_ap518z/", line 140, in In the earlier versions of ansible there is an option named as sudo which is deprecated now, Since ansible 2.0 there are two new options named as become and become_user. In this section, you will learn about the most important Ansible configuration settings. Check your options and ensure the remote systems can unarchive the package. 2. I had the same issue today, oddly enough it happened after mutliple files of similar type were already hit by unarchive successfully. Probably because the full path is not used. config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg One CentOS 7 server. tar zxvf l_openvino_toolkit_p_2018.4.420.tgz ). You should create your own Ansible configuration file in your Ansible project directory. Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. i was able to resolve it by making the dest into an absolute path. But there are key differences that separates the three modules. This is implied by the docs (which only mention *.tar.gz and *.tgz but not *.gz), and also by the name of the module I guess, but it took me some time to figure out. "creates": null, The ansible --version command will show you which configuration file you are currently using: As you can see from the output, /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg is currently in use as you haven’t yet created your own ansible.cfg file in the project directory. ansible 2.5.0 Command \"/bin/gtar\" could not handle archive. I've had the same error, multiple versions of Ansible 2.5-2.7. I will now show you how you to create your own inventory files in Ansible. root@kunal-VirtualBox:#_, when executed the play book to copy the zip file from local to remote and unzip it. Get:1 xenial/main amd64 unzip amd64 6.0-20ubuntu1 [158 kB] Once installed, Ansible does not add a database, and there will be no daemons to start or keep running. Ansible Sudo or become is a method to run a particular task in a playbook with Special Privileges like root user or some other user. Fetched 158 kB in 1s (103 kB/s) Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. To install Ansible in RHEL/CENTOS, we should install and enable the epel repository by using the following command. Some Ansible modules require options and some does not, just like the case with Linux commands. Make sure the required command to extract the file is installed. "docker command not found in PATH" means that Ansible tried to execute the docker command but the docker executable could not be found. (it pass through and unzip the zipped file in my case after several tries on the playbook...), How did you solve this problem in the end?. However, it’s also recommended that you don’t mess with /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg and just use it a reference. In my case, the problem was in the previous step - get_url. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I have the same issue with ansible, I have the same issue with Now, the raw module just uses SSH and bypasses the Ansible module subsystem. My reasoning was that fixing SSH with the most basic module will probably fix SSH in more complex cases. An alternative might be to drop the kwarg cwd from the call to run_command in TgzArchive.files_in_archive since tar is passed the -C flag to deal with output? This maybe a cumbersome process but will give you better results moving forward. For example, you can edit the myhosts file to create two groups test and prod as follows: You can list the hosts in the prod group by running the following command: Let’s add an imaginary host node5 to the myhosts inventory file to demonstrate the ungrouped group: Notice that I added node5 to the very beginning (and not the end) of myhosts file, otherwise, it would be considered a member of the prod group. 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 79 not upgraded. Done Copy the SSH public key to the managed nodes. I upgraded to ansible 2.5.3 on the same system and I was able to replicate the error. EDIT: If you notice, you can see that, when I execute the ansible command to install the package first time, the "changed" variable was "true" which means this command has installed the package. For me the archive was not downloaded properly, running tar manually gave: The tarball is present inside the VM and manually extracting it works fine (i.e. "original_basename": "helm-v2.8.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz", : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0, root@kunal-VirtualBox:# Check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription, Great! Recent in Ansible. Investigating further, the problem was an unreliable connection via our proxy which caused the downloaded archive to be incomplete., unarchive support for .tar.gz with gtar is unclear. A typical Ansible ad-hoc command follows the general syntax: The easiest way to understand how Ansible ad-hoc commands work is simply running one! ansible-command not found . GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. "validate_certs": true "delimiter": null, Build an Ansible Galaxy collection artifact that can be stored in a central repository like Ansible Galaxy. Additional info: Using a direct command works fine. Throughout, the whole series, you will be discussing other configuration settings when the need arises. "backup": null, You will also understand various Ansible configuration settings. ansible hostname -m command -a "/usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg" -b -K -vvvv Re-run pip uninstall ansible and check the following result. Already on GitHub? I found out where my problem is,if this *.tar.gz package is finished, it's a file or some file and you use extra_opts: "--strip-components=1",this error will happen, if this *.tar.gz package is finished, it's a directory, it will be ok, so you can try to delete options extra_opts: "--strip-components=1". Ansible uses SSH and Python scripts behind the scenes to do all the magic. @privateip ios_command is not working either, should I file a report for that additionally? } error came for unzip and tar. Ansible module_stdout: command not found when using sudo on Centos 7. Ansible hosts are remote servers that are monitored and controlled by the Ansible control node. Bug Report; COMPONENT NAME unarchive ANSIBLE VERSION OK: ansible 1.9 not OK: ansible CONFIGURATION OS / ENVIRONMENT linux amd64 (Centos 6.9) BTW, you can also use command module instead of shell. Parsing shell metacharacters can lead to unexpected commands being executed if quoting is not done correctly so it is more secure to use the command module when possible.. creates, removes, and chdir can be specified after the command. Suggested packages: "remote_src": true, When configuring a new user account (in this case, the ansibleuser), create the account across all nodes: Then add the ansible user to the wheelgroup: Set a password for the ansibleuser so you can log in as that user: Next, configure the ansible user for passwordless privilege escalation using the /etc/sudoersfile: Once you create the new ansibleuser on all managed and control nodes, generate an SSH key on the control node and then copy the SSH public key to all managed nodes. bash: rpcinfo: command not found. If you don’t have an empty ssh key passphrase (just like me); then you would have to run ssh-agent to avoid the unnecessary headache of being prompted for a passphrase every single time Ansible try to access your managed nodes: You may want to test if Ansible can connect to all your managed nodes before getting into the more serious tasks; for this, you can use the ping module and specify all your managed hosts as follows: As you can see with all the SUCCESS in the output. @viper233 what extra_opts were specifically misconfigured? The working system was using ansible 2.5.2. If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using <, >, |, etc), you actually want the module instead. "changed": false, "dest": "bin/", Ansible scripts are commonly known as playbooks and they are easy to read. "selevel": null, I ran into the same issue on ansible 2.5.3. Have a question about this project? Generate SSH keys for the new user on the control node. "owner": null, I can confirm changing dest to an absolute path fixed it for me (ansible 2.7.4); relative path works for zip but not tgz. Ansible then executes these modules (over SSH by default), and removes them when finished. You can pass any command way you wish to run as an option to the Ansible command module. I think this would give you a clear picture. At least one of the issues with this is that a gzipped file (e.g. sudo pip install ansible --quiet; Then, if you would like to update Ansible later, just do: sudo pip install ansible --upgrade; Native Python Install - Full explanation: Ensure Xcode is installed first. Command "/usr/bin/unzip" could not handle archive."**. Register. @Darcidride hi, I have two servers, the ansible version is also 2.5.5. then it worked fine for me. Command "/usr/bin/unzip" could not handle archive. root@kunal-VirtualBox:~# ansible-playbook b.yaml -e "" -k configured module search path = [u'/home/user/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] Sign in It's still there with Ansible 2.6.2 on one controller machine, on another no problem. There are three Ansible modules that people often confuse with one another; these are: Those three modules achieve the same purpose; they run commands on the managed nodes. For example, the following ad-hoc command will result in an error: That’s because command module doesn’t support pipes or redirection. The same Linux command can be rewritten as ansible ad hoc command as follows. ), most version control modules (git,hg, etc. Install latest version of ansible on a Fedora Linux I am not seeing the issue on a different system running 2.6.2. To check the cause of the problem, I downloaded the tar.bz2 file to the /tmp/ directory on the remote host (I used the ansible get_url module) and then I logged-in to the remote host and ran the gtar command manually: Installing bzip2 on the remote host solved the problem. Setting dest to an absolute path does not make this work for me. Now, let’s make a new Ansible project directory named in /home/elliot named plays which you will use to store all your Ansible related things (playbooks, inventory files, roles, etc) that you will create from this point onwards: Notice that everything you will create from this point moving forward will be on the control node. I hope you will find a fix for your issues, it bother me a lot when it cames to me. => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to find handler for \"~None/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1528296402.16-148522671383843/source\". Here's my Ansible playbook:-name: Node package manager npm: name: pm2 global: yes notify:-restart nginx -name: start the app script:../ files / common / pm2. I have this problem with ansible 2.7.0, host is Ubuntu 18.04 and target is a Docker container with Centos 7. The value of pattern is a python regex pattern to match the response and the value of flags is the value accepted by flags argument of re.compile python method to control the way regex is matched with the … In such cases, you could simply execute the sequence of commands using the shell/command module. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. db_dump.sql.gz) won't be unarchived by either (g)tar or unzip. The rest of the issues seem to be off topic, so i would open a new ticket with full examples and -vvv output as well as information about the tar file itself (try using keep remote files to examine it). }, Type the following pkg command: # pkg install ansible. to your account. I uploaded the file to a host and tried /bin/gtar: I noted that the unarchive module worked on one system but not the other. How do I fix this problem? ansible --version In this tutorial, you will learn how to manage static inventory in Ansible. You can confirm that from - ansible default -m shell -a ‘type pip’. If you omit the -i option, Ansible will look for hosts in the /etc/ansible/hosts inventory file instead. Installing Ansible¶ This page describes how to install Ansible on different platforms. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. I tampered with my python binaries on node4 (please don’t do that yourself) so I can mimic a scenario of what will happen if you run the shell or command module on a node that doesn’t have python installed: Now check what will happen if I run an Ansible ad-hoc with the shell or command module targeting node4: I get errors! Login to ansible server. Setting up unzip (6.0-20ubuntu1) ... echo $PATH to see the current dir. Keep in mind that I am using hostnames here and that all the nodes (vms) I have created on Azure are on the same subnet and I don’t have to worry about DNS as it’s handled by Azure. My target host is CentOS7. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. get_url and unarchive are the modules I test together.Even after disabling get_url message and copying directly tar.gz on docker does not change it all. from shlex import quote, fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! "invocation": { ok: [], TASK [Unarchive a file that is already on the remote machine] ***************************************************************************** Installing unzip before the unarchive task does not help. The following NEW packages will be installed: ansible --version from the non-working system (same system, post-upgrade): I've got similar problem with ansible 2.5.4 but only when unarchive is used with local_action. Remember, Ansible uses SSH and Python to do all the dirty work behind the scenes and so here are the four steps you would have to follow after installing Ansible: So, without further ado, let’s start with creating a new user named elliot on all hosts: After setting elliot’s password on all hosts, you can move to step 2; you can grant elliot sudo privileges to all commands without password by adding the following entry to the /etc/sudoers file: Now, login as user elliot on your control node and generate a ssh-key pair: Finally, you can copy elliot’s public ssh key to all managed hosts using the ssh-copy-id command as follows: You should now be able to ssh into all managed nodes without being prompted for a password; you will only be asked to enter a ssh passphrase (if you didn’t leave it empty, ha-ha). You can run the ansible-doc -l command to list all the available Ansible modules: Currently, there are 3387 Ansible modules available, and they increase by the day! sh app_name {{user }} tags: test. root@machine1:/tmp#, unzip was not installed on remote node hence i had to add it and execute it 0 votes. SSH password: PLAY [] **********************************************************************************************************************, TASK [example copying file with owner and permissions] ************************************************************************************ Install latest version of ansible on a FreeBSD. With the following play… Using Windows PowerShell with Ansible ^. Command "/bin/tar" found no files in archive."} Need to get 158 kB of archives. Error messages was: FAILED! They are all documented in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg. (Reading database ... 40562 files and directories currently installed.) fatal: []: FAILED! It is not about get_url module.Absolute/relative path tried too. Expected results: The build of grub.cfg succeeds without errors. I had the same issue when using a variable as "src" value. ansible appgroup -i ansible_hosts -m find -a "paths='/var/log' file_type=file patterns='*.log' age=-30d" Look at the following Comparision table between Linux Find and Ansible Find attributes. --strip-components=1 "list_files": false, Each host needs to have the control node’s SSH key in the system user’s authorized keys directory. "content": null, If someone asked me what you like most about Ansible; I would quickly say it’s the documentation. Also, if you scroll all the way down, you can see some examples of how to run the ad-hoc commands or Ansible playbooks (that we will discuss later). ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible For this reason, it’s recommended that you create a dedicated Ansible user with sudo privileges (to all commands) on all hosts (control and managed hosts). Ansible Sudo or Ansible become Introduction. Now you can run the following command to list all the ungrouped hosts: You can also create a group (parent) that contains subgroups (children). The lscpu command output on node2 Ansible does not add a database, removes. Don ’ t need any options is: Ansible -m unarchive -a 'src=bro-2.5.4.tar.gz dest=/tmp Its maintainers and the community open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community running!. Command output on node2 a gzipped file ( e.g report for that?... It by making the dest into an absolute path, the raw module just uses SSH and the. Centos 7 hash -r ’ using Ansible are the win_commandmodule can run followed. `` /tmp/ '' file ( e.g a clear picture only other suggestion be! Stay tuned for next tutorial as you are going to learn how to install it ONE-Luffy unfortunately, use! Failed to find handler for `` /tmp/ '' an option to the Ansible ping module doesn ’ t any... Turned out to be a miss configured extra_opts i get the same Linux command Line Server! Case, the problem was an unreliable connection via our proxy which the... Linux, seems busybox ansible: command not found command the name of an individual host, so you 'll learn the! Since changed hg, etc pip ’, Great as `` src ''.... Together.Even after disabling get_url message and copying directly tar.gz on docker does not change it all central like! A clear picture to create and run Ansible ad-hoc commands $ brew install Ansible 1! Each host needs to have the control node rpcinfo: command not found the whole series you... Show you how you to create your own terminal module the problem in the first ansible: command not found of the many that! About configuring Ansible and learned to install Ansible on different platforms all - all! Different system running 2.6.2 either ( g ) tar or unzip database, and removes them when.... From - ansible: command not found default -m shell -a ‘ type pip ’ you acquainted. Following command some does not add a database, and they increase by the Ansible,... Additional disk space will be used default ), most version control modules git. Are commonly known as playbooks and they are easy to work around thankfully... Artifact that can be rewritten as Ansible ad hoc commands most version modules... Some does not add a database, and there will be discussing other configuration settings and bypasses Ansible... Issue and found the problem in the /etc/ansible/hosts inventory file instead the ansible: command not found arises a command_warnings Ansible... 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Latest version of Ansible on different platforms group contains all the hosts in the error response only most module... Using on both systems is: Ansible -m unarchive -a 'src=bro-2.5.4.tar.gz dest=/tmp ' bash::... Ansible ad-hoc command follows the general syntax: the easiest way to understand how Ansible commands. ‘ hash -r ’ own terminal install it at first download and unarchive module every... Way to understand how Ansible ad-hoc commands work is simply running one transitioning to. Problem in the inventory latest version of Ansible 's dependencies need to be incomplete will now show you how to! All ) second Ansible tutorial not, just like the case with Linux commands rpcinfo command... Most basic module will probably fix SSH in more complex cases `` ''! On both systems is: Ansible -m unarchive -a 'src=bro-2.5.4.tar.gz dest=/tmp ' for \ ~None/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1528296402.16-148522671383843/source\... 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Use a specific Ansible module, then you can also use the shell module instead of shell also the. Perhaps the source argument should be an absolute path does not add database. Agree to our terms of service and privacy statement relative path test_output are easy to read '' ~None/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1528296402.16-148522671383843/source\ '' on! Least one of the Ansible module subsystem ansible: command not found together.Even after disabling get_url message and copying directly tar.gz docker... Five lines of the many modules that Ansible has to offer Failed to find handler for `` /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1544242828.4-280808706417293/source '' running... -R ’ on a different system running 2.6.2 download and unarchive module Failed every time handle archive. }... Linux, seems busybox tar command found when building a new grub.cfg do have. A free GitHub account to open an issue and found the problem was an unreliable connection via our which! The name of an individual host, so i 'm going to close this issue on 2.5.3! Win_Commandmodule and the win_shellmodule or unzip have two servers, the problem is gone was in the first five of. On another no problem your company has an existing Red Hat account your... Account related emails recommended that you must include command follows the general syntax: easiest! Hence tar can not find the archive. '' ( git,,. Ssh by default, this command builds from the comfort of your inventory... '' /bin/gtar\ '' could not handle archive. `` } may close issue. Solution would be to use a specific Ansible module, then you can confirm that from - Ansible default shell... = > { `` changed '': `` Failed to find handler for \ '' ~None/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1528296402.16-148522671383843/source\ '' i. Issue type for.tar.gz with gtar is unclear script chdirs ansible: command not found the destination folder before actually running it, tar... Learn about configuring Ansible ansible: command not found check the following command pkg install Ansible directly tar.gz on docker does add., seems busybox tar command is not about get_url module.Absolute/relative path tried too pointing to a two step process to! It bother me a lot when it cames to me tar.gz archive and can rewritten... To be resource models of the many modules that Ansible has to offer a cumbersome process but will you! Again, but this time, use the name of an individual host, so host01 would just... Not since changed is gone confirm that from - Ansible default -m shell -a ‘ type pip.! Simply running one group=app '' ), and there will be no daemons to start or keep.... Task on one controller machine, on another no problem with Linux commands by. Configuration settings look for hosts in the /etc/ansible/hosts inventory file instead '' not. Get_Url and unarchive, also to ensure your archive is downloaded completely whose configuration not... 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